Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
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Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Used RS Watanabe Wheel Center Cap Set of 2 Octagonal Type Eight Spokes 70-H23 Black Deep line scratches and fine paint cracks The center cap is a general-purpose product. Use bond to secure the center cap foot. If it interferes with the undercarriage, please process it and install it. Please check carefully before purchasing!
Since the year 2000, Nengun Performance has supplied over 100,000 parts direct from Fukuoka, Japan to 150 countries worldwide. If you have any questions, our experienced and friendly customer service team is always happy to help, please send us an enquiry.