Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
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Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
K-Spec Altina Seat Cover 100 Series Mark 2 for H8/8 to H10/8 for one unit. Waterproof PVC leather specification color black There is a hole for attaching the seat belt guide and armrest part. There is peeling in the driver's seat. The driver's power seat car cannot fit and will be sold as it is because it is in poor condition.
Since the year 2000, Nengun Performance has supplied over 100,000 parts direct from Fukuoka, Japan to 150 countries worldwide. If you have any questions, our experienced and friendly customer service team is always happy to help, please send us an enquiry.