Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Manufacturer: SAMCO. Item No.: 40XFL45. Unused Flexible STD Straight Hose. Length: 1 m. Inner diameter: 45 mm. Wall thickness: 4 mm. Multiple layers of silicon and fiber are layered to achieve strength that far exceeds that of genuine products. A spiral spring is built into the middle layer, and it can be used in places where bending is required. Application: Air/Water. Please note that it is not oil resistant.
Since the year 2000, Nengun Performance has supplied over 100,000 parts direct from Fukuoka, Japan to 150 countries worldwide. If you have any questions, our experienced and friendly customer service team is always happy to help, please send us an enquiry.