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Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
Your trusted source of JDM parts shipped from Japan
JDM parts shipped direct from Japan
The Tomei ProCam for Nissan Vehicles is offered in many different degrees of cams for your selection. Pon-Cam only applies to 256/256 combo, anything bigger (pro-cam) is considered ProCam which requires valve springs change.
Generally, engine tuning is to modify the torque characteristic of engine by changing cam duration timing and height of the cam lift, so as to gaining maximum torque and horse power. However, when tuning the engine strictly, it should be carried out with the idea of securing effective area of the valve not only by duration timing and height of the cam lift, but also by through improvement of its intake efficiency. High valve lift allows huge amount of air to flow in, yet it mechanically damages the system and gains friction loss. Also, wide cam duration will deriver great power at high RPM, but it gives rough engine character at low RPM too. Tomei have worked to get an ideal well-balanced profile of camshaft and succeeded to give it 1.3 to 1.5 times more effective area than regular camshafts.